To ensure that we satisfy our customers to a high level and earn social significance, Shintoa Corporation has not only established a management philosophy but also put in place a Code of Conduct to be observed by officers and employees. We maintain high corporate ethics and conduct business activities in a transparent and fair manner.
Management Philosophy
1.We will develop new businesses in our specialty fields and thereby grow the company.
2.We will always recognize the best interest and needs of the customer to acquire timely intelligence with superior analysis, and offer the best strategy and optimized solutions for complex business challenges.
3.We will recognize our corporate social responsibility and strengthen compliance. We will contribute to the development of society and to preserving and enhancing the environment.
Goals of our Business Activities
- To develop new businesses that utilize the function of being useful
- To promote businesses that contribute to healthy daily lives as well as the preservation and enhancement of the environment
- To augment our earning power through earnings structure reform
- To establish internal control and compliance systems
- To strengthen risk management
- To improve efficient use of funds
Officer and Employee Code of Conduct
(Basic Stance)
As they perform their duties, the officers and employees of Shintoa Corporation will operate under the company’s management philosophy and the goals of its business activities, observe laws and regulations, international agreements and internal regulations, and take responsible action consistent with social norms.
(Compliance Matters)
In keeping with the basic stance, the following ten items have been established as the basic principles of conduct, with detailed provisions governing each item set forth separately.
1. Observe laws and regulations.
2. Respect human rights and never engage in discrimination or sexual harassment.
3. Embrace the principle of fairness in business dealings.
4. Actively engage in social contribution and tackle global environmental issues.
5. Thoroughly manage corporate information and handle information obtained from outside the company appropriately.
6. Do not engage in behavior against company interests.
7. Make a clear distinction between business and personal.
8. Confront anti-social forces.
9. Engage in gift-giving and business entertainment within the reasonable bounds of social acceptance.
10. Try to promptly report actions contrary to the code of conduct and endeavor to prevent recurrences.